God may be bigger than any one religion.
Most religions share the same common goal. To understand the higher power / greater connection that
people feel in their hearts/minds/souls. My proposition is that God is
greater/bigger than any one religion and that the authors of individual
religions have been trying to define God as best they could, but unable
to fully grasp This higher entity, they always come short.
The Old Testament is God's word written down. But it was written down by men. Jewish men 2500-3500 years
ago. Even if it was directly inspired by God, It certainly was tainted by the men of the age. Many of
the stories, laws etc.. can be much more easily accepted when you define them as man's interpretation of
God at the time.
Just as primitive / tribal people tried to define God via primitive methods and stories.
Just as the Polytheists tried to understand God by dividing God up into multiple pieces.
Just as Zarathustra was trying to define God for possibly the first time by any man in an extensive written manner.
Just as Buddha and Confucious were trying to understand the greater truths of existence / God
Just as Jesus/Paul tried to update man's understanding of God from the Old Testament times.
Just as Mohammed tried to update man's understanding of God from the Old Testament and Jesus Times.

in the above diagram I propose that the following are all encompassed by a greater God:
* Old Testament (Historic Jewish man's written description Of God)
* Human/Self (God's creation, looking inward for the voice of God through man, conscience)
* Earth/Reality (Looking at God's creation and admiring it or trying to understand it as providing a
connection with God)
Certainly within each religion there are divisive teachings that devalue all other religions as not
being as truthful as their own, but one could argue that man has added these barriers in the typical
manner of separating one group different from another. From within each group, the other groups can
look strange and unimportant. But in the bigger picture of life, they are all honestly trying to
understand God in the way that works for themselves emotionally and intellectually.
So certainly the God of your religion is "true" and valid. It's just that God could be "Bigger" than
just your religion's interpretation and understanding. By taking a more tolerant view such as this,
people can be more accepting of other views as being equally valid. They are all trying to do the same
thing from different perspectives and cultures. So long as a person is actively
and honestly seeking and respecting God with their heart and mind, I do not think anyone should be
passing judgement. God definately reveals God differently to different people. The massive amount
of desire to seek, serve, and understand "God" across all ages and races should be sign enough that God
is greater than any of us can imagine.