We spent one night in Cairns, meeting up with Sandra again. The next day was when we were flying to Perth, but that wasn't until the evening. We spent the morning walking around some before catching the airport shuttle.

Joe had set up a place to stay using AirBnB. Emma and Ben picked us up from the airport. We stayed at their place a couple nights. The first full day we took the train into Perth proper and did a lot of walking around. We went to the Western Australian Museum. It was big! Lots of very neat information, but as usual, it was a bit of overload. So much information in such a short time.

Anyway, the next day we headed to Fremantle. It's an area where England sent convicts back in the 1800's. There was a prison there that they built. It was even used until 1991 even though it apparently was considered uninhabitable back in the late 1800's. Pretty crazy. We didn't do the tour of the prison, but there were some interesting exhibits that we did check out though. There was also some good food and vegetarian restaurants in the area. One place sold lentil shepherds pie that was excellent.

We left that evening to meet up with Baila, a friend that lives south of Perth. She lives on an island that is only accessible by boat, which is fun. Hopefully it's not raining one of the times we want to head off. :)


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We just spent the night in Cairns, then headed north to Port Douglas. Apparently Daintree has the oldest rain forest. We stayed just a couple nights.

On Friday we rented a car to check out the forest trails. There was also a 'river cruise' that we did. The trails were very neat. Each forest looked very different from the others. Very classical jungle.

The river cruise was fun. We only saw one crocodile (I didn't get a photo because it was on the wrong side of the boat). However, we did see a lot of birds. One was a Kite that swooped down not far in front of the boat and plucked a baby crocodile from the shore. The boat driver said he had seen it a few times, but had never had it happen when he had a tour out. We also saw an Azure Kingfisher (gorgeous bird) and a bunch of Whistling Ducks hanging out in a tree.

Nothing too eventful happened on the walks, however on our drive back, we did see a Cassowary on the side of the road! There was a truck behind me, so I didn't get any really good photos. It was still very neat though.

This evening we're heading back to Cairns and we're off to Perth Sunday evening!


A common sign up north. It's stinger season from November to May.

A purty flower.

The trees have buttress roots to get their roots out of the saturated soil. Some were pretty amazing looking.

Amusing sign. It is graffiti. The top sign was of a Cassowary and the bottom was just a speed bump originally.


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Green Island 
Looking at the options for Great barrier reef trips, We noticed Green Island Resort had a $300 for 2 person all inclusive stay. We decided it looked worth it, and had a most excellent time. Green Island is a rain forest covered island within the great barrier reef.
The following was all included (free) and taken part in:
45 min ferry ride there and back.
Glass bottom boat tour to see the reef from a different perspective.
Fish feeding, where we tossed in some seaweed pellets causing giant trevally and hundreds of other fish to fight over it jumping to the surface.
Underwater viewing platform to get close ups of some clownfish, etc.
Evening fresh mango juice drinks.
Evening quality telescope star gaze- saw the rings of Saturn! And more detail on moon than I'd ever seen firsthand.
Evening flood-light water animal search - saw some large stingrays and turtles in the dark.
Free snorkel and suit usage with 2 great beach snorkle locations, one side with lots of sea-grass and turtles, the other with more proper coral and rock gardens.
A most amazing buffet breakfast.. 50 options? All fancily presented.. A few items: Fresh peeled baby pears of some kind, smoked salmon with poached egg and hollandaise sauce, fresh honey flowing off honeycomb, bircher muesli with fresh passionfruit topping.. etc. etc.. Nearly died.
All in all a terrific time and more than worth it. (The room prices are at a huge seasonal discount currently, they do sell for up to $1000.)
The resort was even quiet in the evenings once the day trippers left, maybe only 10 rooms were booked. :)
We considered staying another night, but running out of time in the Cairns area and experienced most that the island had to offer.

Video of some of our Green Island time.
Green Island


Part of Green Island.

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Great Barrier Reef 
We got up early to go on the snorkel trip. The visibility was tons better than what we had been seeing at the other places we've snorkeled. It was probably between 10 and 15 meters.
The coral was very diverse and within a few minutes of getting in the water we spotted a Blue Spotted Ray. We also saw a White Tipped Reef shark later. Joe saw a turtle. I was somewhere else at the time. Some of the fish there are huge! The Napoleon Maori Wrasse is the largest and averages over 1 meter in length. The Buffalo Parrot Fish is another really big one. Joe saw a whole school of them. I put a few of the videos together and posted them on youtube. I figured that may be easier than doing the link on the site.

Great Barrier Reef


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We didn't end up seeing any koalas unfortunately, however it was still a neat hike. Afterwards, we went to an area where Rock Wallabies are. We were given wallaby food to feed them. That's something I don't normally go for, but oh well. It was pretty fun.

We headed back to Townsville and ended up staying at a hostel not too far from the ferry (and bus terminal) for three nights. The next day Sandra and I went to the aquarium. It was very neat and informative. A lady taught us about the differences between soft and hard coral, which I did not know before. Sandra left the next morning to head to Mission Beach while Joe and I worked for most of the day. We did do one 'hike' up Castle Hill to an amazing view of Townsville and Magnetic Island.

The next day we decided to check out Mission Beach also. There were supposed to be some neat rain forest walks. We got there and found out that most of the walks were closed because of Cyclone Yasi. It hit that region really hard back in the beginning of February. You could definitely still see traces of it. Not only from some of the homes that were torn apart but from trees down and broken.

We didn't do much around Mission Beach. We met up with Sandra for some really good Thai food, but that was about it.

We arrived in Cairns this afternoon and Joe has us booked on a snorkel trip for the morning. Joe still has his cold and he has managed to pass it off to me, so hopefully we still feel good enough and have fun tomorrow.



Close-up wallaby!

Lion fish at the aquarium.

View of Townsville from Castle Rock.

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