Red Rock Canyon 
After finding breakfast, we worked our way out of town to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, which is a park right next to Las Vegas. The park is gorgeous. We stopped and did a 2.5 mile hike at the Calico Hills. Nothing super long, but it ended with a nice view of the area and you could see Vegas in the distance.

We had a bit of driving and sight seeing to do, so we continued on our way and headed to Ash Meadows National Refuge. Here we spotted an adult male Northern Harrier, which was fun to watch (it was already getting too far away, so I didn't get any photos). We first stopped at a little board walk where we saw a few birds and a small jack rabbit. No one else was there at all. It was nice but also slightly creepy.

We checked out the "Devil's Hole" which is actually run by the Death Valley National Park. It wasn't much, but it is home to a rare fish that is only found there. Because of that and other conservation efforts, it is a very well protected area, with a caged in viewing area and that's it. Security cameras around and everything. While in the park we stopped at the Crystal Reservoir and did another boardwalk then hopped in the car and worked our way to Death Valley National Park.

We entered the park a bit before sunset. Joe really wanted to get somewhere highish to be able to see the sunset. There was something called Dante's View, so we decided to rush up there to try and get to the lookout before the sun set behind the mountains. We just made it. The view was pretty amazing. I'm glad we happened to come in the park from that direction so we could start out the visit with an overall view of the park.

We left from there and worked our way to Stovepipe Wells where we stayed the night. It was one of our most expensive hotel rooms, especially considering how sparse the room was, however, considering the location, it was worth it. The restaurant had some very good food as well.


Calico Hills. (Click on image to enlarge)

The view of Vegas from our hike. (Click on image to enlarge)

Neat iron work along a boardwalk in Ash Meadows.

A bunny. :)

Sunset over Death Valley. (Click on image to enlarge)

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Fraser Island 
Sorry for the long absence. Internet has been a bit scarce. :) I'll put the updates up by each separate activity just to help prevent some confusion.

We met up with Sandra in Hervey Bay, got to the hostel we had booked and started trying to decide what we were going to do for Fraser Island. After looking over prices and such, we decided to rent our own 4x4 vehicle that included the camping gear, permits and ferry ride. We picked up the truck on Tuesday morning and headed to Fraser. The driving was pretty crazy. The roads are all sand and some were in pretty bad shape. It took a little getting used to what you could do with the truck. Our first plan was to get to the beach. The driving on the beach was pretty good. We had tide time tables that let us know the space of time we could drive on the beach. We stopped and saw a few things, then found a place to camp just off the beach. It started out as a nice spot until it started raining.... Once the three of us were in the tent, the wind kicked up. So, Sandra kept getting hit in the head by the tent pole, plus it would rain once in a while. Basically, we did get some sleep, but we all woke up with wet feet from the rain. When we pulled the pads out, Joe was actually sleeping in a puddle. Fortunately, the pad he was on didn't let the water soak through.

We put everything back in the truck and were on the beach by 6:30. The beach was a little sloppy driving, but we got to see the sights we wanted to see and never got stuck in the drier sand. That night we decided to just head inland and try staying at a campground. After some hassle we got a spot, set up the tent, had a yummy dinner and were back in the tent by 8:30.

The last day on Fraser, we had quite a bit of time to kill. We had a relaxing breakfast and tried to let things dry off some, but of course it started sprinkling again, so we packed everything up and headed for Lake Makenzie. The lake was gorgeous. We had lunch there and went for a swim before heading to the ferry to go back to the mainland.

In all we had fun, but the weather was a bit of a pain.


The Maheno Shipwreck.

The dingo we saw!

Joe and Sandra getting dinner ready at the campground.


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Almost Gone 
Joe looked into prices for flights out of Dunedin and compared it to Christchurch. He also looked into vans for sale in both cities. We save $300 by flying out of Christchurch instead and there are more vans for sale there for more, meaning there should still be a market of people coming in to buy them. Hopefully anyway. So, we decided to head up to Christchurch.

Yesterday morning, before leaving, we went to Cadbury World with the same German couple (we woke up to them parked across from us at the holiday park). It was fun. It was basically a tour around the chocolate factory. From there we headed out of town. We didn't really stop much along the way. We found the DOC site closest to the road and Christchurch and stayed there for the night.

We woke up this morning and headed out again. We were still 250km from Christchurch, so we have a bit of driving to do today. We're currently in Timaru having lunch. The plan is to get to Christchurch then start the process of trying to sell the van before we fly over to Sydney.


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South Coast 
Arriving in Queenstown was a bit exciting because it was the first bigger town we had been in, in a while. We were hoping to find a good dinner. Since we had some time to kill before dinner, I got some work done while Joe wandered around the park. He struck up conversations a few random people. Joe ended up meeting Sandra, who we would end up doing some traveling with a couple days later.
We had dinner at a food court, oddly enough. They had Nepalese food. It was mostly Indian with some different spices. For the night, we stayed at a DOC site not far out of town. The next day, we headed to Te Anau. We got there close to dinner. Unfortunately, there wasn't much variety there, so we ended up with a yummy pizza. For the night, we stayed at the first DOC site north of town.

The next morning, we drove halfway to Milford Sound and stopped at "The Divide" which is the dividing point for which way rivers flow. The hike there was a 2.5 hour one up Key Summit. It ended in a great 360 degree view of the area. We decided not to keep going all the way to Milford Sound because the van has been acting up and we really didn't want to end up broken down out in the middle of nowhere. For how popular this destination apparently is, there was very little traffic.

The next day, we met back up with Sandra. She is Swiss and spent a month in Thailand and really loved it. Since we're thinking of heading there, we were hoping to learn more. We did a 3 hour lake hike with her and then spent the rest of the day chatting and learning more about Thailand. After talking with her, we're pretty excited about going there except for the heat and mosquitoes.

Wednesday was spent heading towards the south coast. We stopped in Invercargill, another decent sized city, and stopped in Queens Park. The park is huge and very pretty. They have a 3.4km fitness loop, where there are 'stations' that you are supposed to stop at and do whatever excercise the sign tells you to do. We walked over half of that, doing most of the excercises. From there, we headed towards the animal park and aviary they had. It was very well put together. There was a huge rose garden we walked through. There were probably hundreds of types of roses labeled throughout a couple different gardens. We stopped and smelled quite a few of them. Turned out, one with "Joey" in the name was one of the best smelling. :) For dinner that night, we found some quick, take away sushi and a Turkish place. Turkish kebabs are basically wraps, not what we think of when you hear 'kebab'.

Along the southern coast lives the Yellow-eyed Penguin, which is the world's rarest penguin. There are a couple bays where you can possibly see them at dusk, so our aim was to head that way. We made it to Waipapa Point, where some Sea Lions sometimes are, and ended up stopping there. It was too close to sunset, so even if we hurried to Curio Bay (where the penguins were) we wouldn't make it. Since this place had a bathroom, and no 'no camping' signs, we slept there. During our walk along the trail above the beach though, Joe did spot a sea lion hopping up the shore and headed for the grass. So, we did get to see one, even though it was a ways away.

This morning, we headed to Curio Bay. There is a petrified forest in rocks which was very interesting. We walked around a bit checking that out. On our way back up the steps, Joe happened to notice something odd along the bush line. It was a penguin! It walked out to a water puddle, drank for quite a while, then headed back to, what we assume was, its nest. Normally you only see them at dawn and dusk, so we felt pretty lucky. One couple that was there at the same time (the woman actually almost walked right up to it not realizing it was there before she saw us waving at her) said they watched for them last evening for a couple hours and never saw any.

Now we're just making our way towards Dunedin. The van has been starting up worse and worse every morning. We may try heading out of New Zealand from there, but we're not sure yet.


Yellow-eyed Penguin. It's molting right now, so, pretty ugly. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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We arrived at the DOC site we were planning on staying at. It had been sprinkling a little, so Joe reached back to get his rain jacket. That's when he realized he had left it in the cafe we had been working at back in Ross. It was just under 100km back... So, we hopped back in the van, and headed back for Ross. We got there, grabbed his jacket, had potato wedges, checked on the game update we did, then headed back down the road, yet again.

We stayed at that DOC site because one closer was jam packed. The crazy thing was, so was the one we were at. And it only had one pit toilet that smelled so bad it burned my eyes and throat. So crazy to have such terrible facilities at a campground with so many people. I'm not quite sure how they expect it to stay nice...

We left in the morning for the glaciers. We did a couple walks, including one to the base of the Franz Josef glacier. It was a bit chilly, but decent weather. To go on the glacier you have to do a guided tour.

Next we headed for Fox glacier. Due to the recent rain apparently the river valley was dangerous, so we couldn't get very close to Fox glacier. We ran into the same German couple that we've seen a few times now (the one that went Bungy jumping with Joe). We talked them into doing the hike on the other side of the river that went to a view point of the glacier. We both drove to that parking area, but by that time it was raining. We headed out anyway. The walk wasn't a long one, but there was one river crossing that was a little hairy. We made it across without getting wet and saw the great view of the glacier. Well, it would have been great if it hadn't been so cloudy and rainy.

We headed back, but right next to the river, I slipped. It wasn't a big deal, except I keep my camera in the side pocket of my pants. Of course a rock hit the corner of the LCD screen. Now the screen doesn't work at all. It still takes photos, but I can't see what I'm shooting at all. Oh well. :p

We reached the Haast last night and, because we were wet and cold from our hike, decided to get some dinner and stay at a holiday park. The dinner was expensive, but good. They had a pseudo salad bar. On it was a salad, potato salad, coleslaw, roasted potatoes, baked squash pieces, peas and carrots, and fries. We finally got a full and decently healthy meal, which has been a little hard to come by in these smaller towns. When we got to the place we planned to stay, we showered quick and then I did laundry. Unfortunately, it was via tokens and the dryer didn't get everything dry.. . . I really didn't want to pay another $3 just to dry the clothes more, so we separated out the stuff that was still damp and hung it up in the van to dry. Fortunately, today, it's sunny and clear, so I think the clothes will eventually dry out.

We currently in Queenstown. We don't really have any plans yet, but there are a couple DOC sites not too far from here, so we may hang out in town for a bit, then head over there.


Franz Josef glacier.

Amusing signs by the glaciers. (Click on image to enlarge.)

Another new and amusing sign near the Haast visitor center.

The sun poking through the mist this morning!

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